Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Little More


I wish I didn't have to go there anymore. Of course, I wished that I didn't have to go to work the very first day I ever had work. That doesn't seem to be the way things are, though.

During my first week back, The Manager asked me when I was going to be a shift supervisor. I told her I'd do it whenever she needed one. She said okay.

Three weeks ago, our store lost four people (one had finished his last two weeks, one was told that she had to quit by her doctor, and the other two were told not to bother coming for the week). DHOH was one of them, and she's a shift supervisor. Near the end of the week, The Manager asked me if I was ready to become a supervisor and said she could prep me for the interview. I said that'd be great, but could we hold off on the promotion thing until the second week of June?

"Why?" she asked.

"Well," I said, "the beginning of June will be the end of another six months work at 'Bucks."

"And?" she asked.

"And I don't want to have worked here for six months and get promoted just days before my review and the probable raise I've earned during that time."

"But you'd get a raise."

"Yeah, but I deserve two. One for all my time here and one for the promotion."

"Okay," she said. "We'll talk about this after you're review, I guess."

"Thanks," I said.

Last week, the District Manager visited, twice. (She doesn't like The Manager much (mostly because this manager isn't willing to shove her self up to her shoulders into the District Manager's ass).) On the second visit, DM told The Manager that there are too many Shift Supervisors at our store and we needed to cut back. DM wants The Manager to try and transfer one or two away. And DM said that it's a good thing that DHOH isn't with the store anymore, an assessment that no one at this store agrees with.

So, it looks like, once again, I won't be getting promoted. I'll still be the lowest grunt on the ladder, even though I've been there for a long, long time.

There's other drama going on there, but I have to feed the dog and the eight cats before eating and going to bed, since I'm going to be at work at four in the morning.

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