Sunday, May 29, 2005


I sit here with Pretty Woman, a movie I can't stand, on the television because everything else on is either just as bad or worse. I could turn the TV off, but I want some noise with a structure and I have no music with me.

And then there's the reason for writing this, so the page doesn't look like it's just hanging around to hold up comic strips.

Does that seem pathetic to you?

The only thing that can make it worse is knowing that I'll turn around and watch the movie when Jason Alexander goes super evil. *sigh* I shouldn't know as much about this movie as I do.

At work, people are being freaked out by my reading. It's not so much that I have a new book at least once a week, but my choices. I've been switching between some younger reader books--like the Artemis Fowl series--fantasy, science fiction, and regular fiction. Yesterday, I started reading Rosemary's Baby and most of the people think I'm nuttier than usual.

Is being eclectic wrong?

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