Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I have a few minutes before I go off and learn what an applicant has to go through when they file their papers here. Because of this class, or whatever, I’m going to miss my usual break, at 10 AM today, so I took it upon myself to take my break early and do a little blogging.

The oddest thing about this job, for me at least, is that it has the same routine every single day. I get up at the same time (or nine minutes later if I hit the snooze) every day. I eat and shower and leave at the same time each morning. I get to work and turn on my computer within the same three minutes each day. I turn on my computer and start my working at 8 AM. 10 AM I have a fifteen minute break. 1 PM I have lunch for an hour. 3 PM I have another fifteen minute break. 5 PM I shut down Windows and leave for the day.

I haven’t had this much structure in my life since I was in high school. Five days a week I do the same thing over and over again.

Even the work is repetitive. Same kind of forms and papers come in. I decide which ones require me to open a new case, which ones I need to pull files for, and which ones I just drop into the file. After I decide which ones require which, I pull the files I need. After that, I put the information on line and start new cases. Some papers just get dropped into the files that line our walls. Some get rubber banded to existing files and dropped into judges’ mail boxes. The rest I pull empty files for and set the new file up; I can’t complete the new ones until the next morning because an address record needs to be printed out and for some reason that happens over night.

I don’t really like this much structure.

Hope you’re all well.

I’m trying for that regular internet connection, but I need to see how much I’m already spending each month before I spend even more.


Anonymous said...

I must admit, most jobs have just about that much structure. 'Bucks type jobs are where you are going to find more variety time wise. Or, you can get something published, get comfortably rich off it and set your own hours everyday.

The Mooooooo

Anonymous said...

I agree, I don't think your job is any more structure than others ("the office" you know?)

But glad to see you are posting. let's hang out soon.


ticknart said...

I'm not saying that it has anymore structure than other jobs, I'm saying that the structure is weird to me. I'm not used to it. I'm sure I will, eventually, but right now the structure is like wearing a shirt that too tight.