Friday, March 03, 2006

Monkey Balls?

Here's a comic.

Hope you enjoyed that.

I'm really not sure what to write here today, but I want to write something.

Today, I discovered that it's perfectly acceptable for me to make an "off-color" remark if I'm one upping something already involved. What happened was one of the ladies was putting an application online and discovered that the reason he got injured was because he "jerked off a stack of barrels." Quickly, she showed it to the rest of us and we had a good laugh. Without thinking, I said, "Those must be some really happy barrels." Eruptions of laughter from the ladies. So I wondered aloud if he injured his hand or arm. More laughter. I stopped there, not wanting to push my luck, but at least I know that I can throw out the perversion every now and then.

What else to say...

It snowed at my parent's house today. Enough so that my mom's school closed for the day. She's been hoping for a snow day since school started in August. Everyone congratulate her by visiting her website and voting for it everyday until society crashes in on itself and those of us still living are being hunted for sport and food by the militia nuts up in the hills

I started using that Site Meter thing a few months ago just to see if people who I didn't know personally actually visited this place. Some do. (I don't know if they actually come back, though.) My favorite feature is the By Referrals thing. It's wonderfully weird seeing how people get here. I'll give you a list:

Someone looked up "vouryism" on Yahoo!. I'm the third down because I didn't use spell check that time.
This was a nice one. I wonder if the person read the post and got anything out of it. I still want to go and see Wicked again. (Anyone want to pay for a trip for me to New York and pay for the hotel and pay for the ticket for Wicked and, perhaps, other shows? Maybe I should start one of those PayPal things. Donate to send me to New York so I can spend your money enjoying myself!)
I thought there'd be more people before me on this one. Does this mean I'm popular?
To me, this search doesn't make any sense, but what the hell, right? (I'm at the bottom of the page today.)

Alright, works almost done. Time to pack up what little I bring with me to head out into the sun and rain.

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