Thursday, January 03, 2008


I don't want to be the fucking adult. I don't want to be the one who's responsible for the bullshit of other people.

It's one of the reasons I don't want to be a parent.

It's the main reason I don't want to be a supervisor over more than two or three people. Ever. I don't want to constantly nag the shit-heads who don't do their work to get it done, but since my job performance is dependent on theirs, I'd have to because I don't want to look like a shit-head because of some other asshole.

All I want to be is responsible for myself and my tiny, insignificant place in this universe. If I fuck up, then it's me who gets fucked up the worst. My fuck-ups may effect other people, but not so badly that they can't recover and move on with their part.

I hate depending on others to get their shit together so that I can move on. I hate it!



Jazz said...

Bad day, eh?

Anonymous said...

Being responsible for your own kids is much easier than being responsible for the people at work. You get to start early with your kids and train them better. (well mostly anyway. The teenage years don't count)

ticknart said...

Jazz -- Very.

Moooooo -- If those years don't count, why can't everyone just skip 'em?

Anonymous said...

Because, just because. That's why.

ticknart said...

Moooooo -- That's a horrible answer.

Anonymous said...

Heh-heh, that's the parent in me.