Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm going to see that movie Cloverfield tomorrow or Saturday.

Sure, I'm curious about this monster thing, but that's not the main reason I'm going.

I'm really going to watch the Star Trek teaser.


geewits said...

Star Trek teaser? Me! Me! (jumping up and down with raised hand)

ticknart said...

I knew I wasn't the only one, but it's nice to have that belief reaffirmed.

Jazz said...

Star trek teaser? There's a new star trek movie coming?


Can you tell I'm totally disconnected from reality?

And where's my Fiction Friday??

ticknart said...

Jazz -- 1) It's coming out in December. It's going to ignore much, if not all, of what's come before and reboot the Star Trek Universe with a cast that looks like it's been put together by a tween girl. Still, the insane fanboy inside is near giddy with excitement.

2) Cloverfield, yeah. We'll see.

3) I figured I was more disconnected from reality, making this Star Trek teaser a priority in my life, among other things.

4) The way I see it is that I have 11 hours and fifty-odd minutes of Friday left.

Anonymous said...


ticknart said...

Cloverfield was enjoyable. I liked a lot more of it than I disliked.

The teaser was, well, pretty lame. Guys with torches building the Enterprise somewhere on Earth.