Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is going to be a movie this fall.

Here's a description: "[I]t's about a wacky inventor who helps his financially depressed town get back on its feet by creating a device that spews food from the sky. Suddenly pancakes are flying and people are dodging produce."(Found at Movies without Pity, you'll have to move forward a few pictures.)

Well, that's not like the book I remember. Not at all.


AE said...

THAT REALLY SUCKS. Now GI Joe is destined to become the 'best' movie I'll see this year. Shit.

Jazz said...

Somehow I think I'll pass on that one...

ticknart said...

AE -- You weren't going to see this movie, and you know it.

Jazz -- But don't pass on the book, if you get the chance. (Thumb through it in a bookstore.)

AE said...

I were. Bought the book about a year ago and saw while standing in line, whilst awaiting to be let into the new Harry Potter, a cardboard stand-up for Cloudy. The art was wrong which meant the story'd be, too, but it's one of my favorites. I'm probably still gonna see it...

ticknart said...

Things like this make me wish that Long Ago and Far Away was still produced.

AE said...

No kidding! How hard is it to use a sequence of pictures as a story-board? I'll never understand film in this respect. Why always what someone wanted it to be and not what it was?

ticknart said...

Actually I think the bigger problem is them wanting to expand short, really short, books into 90-minutes. It just doesn't work, but people won't pay to see a movie that's only 30-minutes long and movie people don't think that TV is respectable (and it seems that much of the view public agrees).