Thursday, December 21, 2006

Not About Next Monday, I Promise

The last several days, it's been cold, for here, in the mornings. I think 25 was the coldest it got, which isn't too bad. You can still use water to defrost your windshields at that temperature, at least you can when it warms up to the fifties during the day.

Yesterday, as I was pulling some stuff off the gigantic and old dot-matrix printer when The Supervisor asked me, "Was it warmer out there today?"

To me, the difference between 24 degrees and 28 degrees is pretty indistinguishable. "Not that I could tell," I said.

"Yeah, I guess," she said.

I said, "Uh-huh." and went back to fiddling with the printer.

"I sorry," she said.

I looked over at her, furrowed my brow, and said, "About what?"

"That you have to walk in this weather."

"I don't have to walk in this," I said. "I choose to walk to work. I have a car."

She gave me this long look at me and seemed like she wanted to ask me something, but she didn't. I went back to work on the printer.

"I guess," she said, frowning, "that you save money by not driving."


"You save money."

"Yeah," I said. "I guess."

"Good," she said and turned away from me.

I went back to my desk and I'm still confused about the whole conversation.


Anonymous said...

Gee, you missed a great opportunity there!
You could have told her, "I used to weigh 500 pounds and by walking to work, I've halved myself."

Queenie said...

Sigh. Yes. You could have been the new Taco Bell guy....whatshisname??


Jazz said...

What had she smoked?

Just a thought.

ticknart said...

I just got it! (And I've been pondering it since eight this morning) Q means the Subway guy! Uh... whatshisname.

Anonymous said...

That Jared guy from Subway..


ticknart said...

That's right. On South Park Jared told everyone that the reason he lost so much wait was because he had aides, so everyone decided to go get aids. Good times.

Thanks, wings.

Queenie said...

Oh my god.
I DID mean the Subway guy.....
I should get more sleep.