Friday, July 21, 2006

Now, Later, Soon

Have you ever been to the beach and been buried in the sand? Do you remember how with each scoop the sand put a little more pressure on your body? Can you remember how, after your siblings or friends were finished burying you, the pressure the sand put on your body felt like it was trying to push you into the earth, to become part of the earth?

That's how I've felt all week. That's how I feel now.

And Q, thanks for quoting my favorite Violent Femmes song.


Queenie said...

I rock!

Now, Later, Soon...ohthepressure comes and goes.
Are you near a beach?


Anonymous said...

Funny, I always thought of it as being kind of hugged from all around, not being pressed into the ground.
I know, I'm weird.

ticknart said...

Q, I live 15-20 miles from the beach, but I don't go. I don't go to many places that I can't walk to.

moooooo, I like getting buried in the sand, but only when there's sand and the beach and people to do the burying. It's not as much fun when you feel that way sitting at your desk or walking away from work or trying to sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

...remember those teeny burrowing crabs...?