Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Surgery 2: The Day After Yesterday

Spoke with my mom about forty-five minutes ago. She's sounding fine. In fact, she sounds pretty much like she always does. She said she's feeling pretty great. Her back doesn't hurt at all. She can lay down and roll over and get out of bed without her back hurting. (Her stomach hurts where they cut her open and stitched her up.) The doctor told her that if she lived closer he'd let her go home today, but since my parents don't live close they're probably staying only one more night.


heels said...


ticknart said...

When she gets home, all she has to do is loaf around for six weeks watching TV, knitting, making beads, all while feeling better than she has for two-ish years.

Anonymous said...

So far, it's been one week and I've read a book, watched only one movie and done a bunch of really super easy sudoko.

My brain has been SO fuzzy! But I'm feeling better now, so bring on the books and movies!

The bead making will have to wait a bit as I can sit comfortably in a chair for only a very short period of time.