Monday, February 25, 2008


Well, my mom went in for her back surgery about fifteen minutes ago. If all goes well, she'll be out in forty-five to seventy-five minutes ago. When I spoke with her yesterday morning she told me they were getting to her spine by going through the front. I wonder how they're going to pin the intestines back?


heels said...

Heal well and fast, ticknart's momma! Get back to that torch!!

ticknart said...

It's 10:25 in the AM and I just got off the phone with my dad. Mom's out and recovering. She has a new plastic disk with purple titanium screws. Now the questions is: When will she get to go home?

geewits said...

I hope she'll recover easily. Purple titanium screws? Does she have shoes to match?

ticknart said...

Yes, she does have shoes to match. She has plenty of clothes to match, too.

When I spoke with my dad he said it was too bad we couldn't see them because it was a really nice shade of purple.

heels said...

PURple... OOOooooo!

ticknart said...

PURple and SHINey!

Anonymous said...

Nope, no shoes to match, but I sure do have jewelry to match!