Friday, July 11, 2008

Af-er Lu-ch

And so I went out to lunch. To the pretty good Mexican place that's really fast so I don't have to worry about time during my lunch break. Except it's changed management. The food's not as good. The people who run it don't clear the tables. When I sat down in the upstairs eating area, all the tables against the walls had plates and leftover food and trash, only the two tables in the center were cleared and clean. That's two out of twelve. Not a good ratio.

The biggest problem with lunch time is coming back to work. I really don't like my job. Some of the people are okay, but the job sucks. And I don't want to be stuck here. It's an okay place, but it was supposed to be a short stop on my way to something that actually required thought. If 'Bucks could pay me as much as I get paid here, I think I'd rather be there again because at least there I'd be busy the whole time and I'd get free drinks and beans and a discount on the merchandise.

I need someone to tell me a story. Tell me a story about a job that you really loved. A job that inspired you. A job that fulfilled your passions. A job that you enjoyed going back to each day. And don't give me any of that parenthood as a job crap. I want to hear about a job that paid money.

Please... I'm starting to lose hope that those sorts of jobs exist for anyone, let alone me.



Jazz said...

A job that inspired me and fulfilled my passions?

Ain't happened. Nope. The best I've managed is a job I don't too much mind going to most of the time. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Aren't you glad I don't have kids so I could tell you how amazing raising them is?

ticknart said...

1) I think I could handle that kind of job.

2) My thing about the kids probably drove people away from commenting. So, I guess that yes, I'm glad you don't have kids so I could get a comment of some sort.