Tuesday, July 08, 2008

As Described to Heels About 2 Hours Ago

Interview felt like it went well. There was much smiling and some laughing and I think (i.e. hope) that I asked some surprising questions and made some good observations. The woman who was asking some questions, along with the two guys, recognized me from a previous interview I had, maybe two of them. When she saw, and recognized, me sitting on a chair waiting she said she was surprised that I hadn't found a job out there, yet. Here's to hoping that this'll be the one.


Jazz said...

Here's hoping. Fingers crossed.

ticknart said...

Crossing your fingers for four to six weeks is a long time. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Is this the one in cowtown? it sounds promising as one of the interviewers recognized you from previously and that she was surprised you did not get a job yet. Good luck!

ticknart said...

Yeah, it's in Cowtown. It's not as promising as you want it to be. She interviewed me at least once, but I think twice, and I wasn't hired. Why should this time be any different?

I hope it is, but I'm not betting on it.