Thursday, July 31, 2008

Forwarded From The PJ

Governor will address budget, pay cuts at morning news conference

By Bill Lindelof -
Published 6:25 am PDT Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has threatened to cut state workers salaries by executive order, will hold a press conference today to discuss the state's 2008-09 budget at 11:15 a.m. at the State Capitol.

A draft order states that pay would be cut for about 200,000 state workers to the federal hourly minimum wage of $6.55 until a budget is signed.

After the budget is signed, workers would received their full pay for all the time they worked at the minimum wage.

The governor is banking on a 2003 California Supreme Court case, White v. Davis, to slash state worker pay while the budget impasse continues.

State Controller John Chiang, who has stated that the state has enough cash to pay full salaries through the end of September without a budget agreement, has vowed to defy any executive order to pare back state worker pay.


ticknart said...

Well, he signed it.

What's next?

Anonymous said...

Wipe that piece of shit off the ass that is California?

ticknart said...

Well, he can't run again, for governor, at least.

Anonymous said...

Why can't he run again?