Thursday, July 10, 2008

And Now I'm Bored

Oh, sure, I have work that I could be doing and I go on my lunch break in a few minutes, but finishing that last post and getting lost in the car research was pretty much the most entertaining thing I've done today or yesterday.

Ah, well.

In an attempt to ramble on until I actually go on my lunch break I don't know if I'll write anything coherant.

Over at Comics Should Be Good!, a guy wrote about the stereotypical comic fan things he does not enjoy. Part of me really enjoyed reading his list and part of me felt like it was a sort of self-hating fan backlash post. I don't think the guy's self-hating so much as hating those who do fall into the more stereotypical comic fan world and him getting lumped into it just because he likes comics. I kind of get that, but what is it that bothers him so much when it's assumed he likes Star Wars or has read Asimov?

Me? I fall into quite a bit of those comic book stereotypes. I'm cool with that. But I also consider myself more of a pop-culture junkie than just a comic book fan. Give me a TV and a weeks worth of watching time and I'll be able to rattle off way more current pop-culture info than most people could stand. Hell, even I know how unhealthy my pop-culture retention factor can be, that's why I'm not all in peoples' faces about it.


Jazz said...

I'm just discovering the world of comics and graphic novels. Funny enough, in French.

Are Enki Bilal's books translated into English? I doubt it.

Jazz said...

Well hell, his stuff has been translated. Who knew...

The Nikopol Trilogy and The Beast Trilogy are quite good, though the last one actually has 4 volumes
to it so that's sort of strange...

My problem with this stuff is that I get quite lost in the illustrations and sort of lose sight of the story and have to eventually go back.... Ah well.

I quite liked the movie Immortal, it's very much Bilal.

Sorry I didn't do the link right, I'm just too damn lazy.

ticknart said...

This is the first I've ever heard of Enki Bilal, but my experience into continental Europe graphic novels is very limited. I have a couple of cool books that my brother picked up for me in Spain (they're in Spanish) and Sky Doll, from the French publisher Soleil, is being translated and published by Marvel Comics.

I looked at the first issue, but, thinking that the book will appeal more to US customers, Marvel decided to split the first volume into three parts and shrink the art to standard floppy comic size, which is a real shame. I would have picked it up if it had been all in one book and at the original printed size. I like looking at the things as the artists meant them to be seen.

Jazz said...

That's the thing about European comics (albums they call them) they're hard cover and about maybe 12x14 on really good quality paper, unlike the floppy Marvel type comic.

ticknart said...

Yeah, the ones my brother brought me from Spain are in that format and are pretty gorgeous, even if I don't really understand the stories.