Friday, April 29, 2011


So, my week was shitty.

How about yours?


Gobetween's Space said...

I want to kill my lawyer. I rejoiced when I found out my branch manager was in hospital. Family I dislike contacted me. So it is difficult to say.

AE said...

It was fine, although the ol' lady is sick, I sunburned the baby, and can't figure out where that smell is coming from...

cbeck said...

As it is now Monday and this week has so far consisted of going to the physical therapist and then sitting at my desk with an ice-pack on my shoulder mumbling "there-is-no-pain - there-is-no-pain", I'm going to go with "about the same." Hope this one goes better for you.

geewits said...

Sorry to hear that. It was my birthday week and I had a blast!

Anonymous said...

Well my week was alright I guess. Nothing to report from me. Oh and I like your blog very cynical but refreshing in a way.
