Saturday, October 09, 2004

Other Person's Stuff

Just checked my e-mail and Dad sent me this great column. It's by Mark Morford at the SF Gate. I've included my favorite paragraph here. Click on the title to read the whole thing.

It Will All Be Over Soon
BushCo? Kerry? SUV gluttony? Your last orgasm? All flashes in the geological pan, baby. Don't forget.

This is how we are wired. This is only what we see. The long view is clearly not our forte, a sense of the celestial a concept we just can't quite taste. We forget, for example, how relatively quickly regimes rise and neoconservative empires fall and populations overturn and how nearly every single human biped now alive and walking and spitting and parallel parking and consuming Big Macs and not watching ABC sitcoms on the planet today will be very much completely dead within a short 100 years, if not sooner.

Hope you check it out.

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