Wednesday, January 04, 2006


A few minutes ago, my supervisor walked around the office with a ruler measuring the stacks of work we all have left over from last month. In our office we have 3 and 3/4 inches of work.

What does this tell us? Nothing. What does it tell the people in the capital? Nothing.

All this work is in baskets at our desks. The baskets are already taking up space on desks and shelves, so the work couldn't take up anymore room than the baskets already do unless we have massive amounts of work here... maybe. See, we quite often get these things we call Stips or C&Rs which come with enormous quantites of medical files. I have one at my desk right now that's between 1 1/2 and 2 inches tall, 1 inch is about average. I've had ones that were probably 4 inches tall. It's still one piece of work. Other things, like Apps or petitions, are usually only 4 or 5 piece of paper. What involves more work left to do 4 inches of Stips or 4 inches of apps?

I asked my supervisor how it helps to measure the height of the work left when she already went around earlier and counted the quantity of the work we have left over from last month.

She said it doesn't help. She said it's made just to waste time. She doesn't understand why The State makes her do it.

The weird thing is that if I had noticed her doing this measuring thing a month ago, I would have thought she was insane. Today it's just another pointless thing we have to do.


Rudy Wellsand said...

Sick of Complaints? NEW Tho't: Is Destiny CONTROLLED by CODES?

You have DNA and RNA CODES in you, plus other CODES that switch things ON and OFF in your body, to CONTROL you!



See the "Chosen"Code and "Color" Code; VISIT: ! Save or Print this to study! Leave a comment if you will.

ticknart said...

Is it just me or shouldn't this spam have been on the last post?

Anonymous said...

Did you follow his link? Does this guy have a brain? Or can he only quote what other tell him? He spouts quotes like barf.

Weird. Maybe he went through all of blogger and left that same quote on eveyones' site.

I repeat, weird!

the Mooooooo

ticknart said...

I haven't checked the link, I don't really care what he thinks.

The way he probably got here was by searching blogger by using a key word, like complain, and then posted the same message on the most recent post of each one.

I wonder what he's trying to get, though.

ticknart said...

Look, another piece of spam.

Do I get enough people here on a daily/weekly/monthly basis for the spamming to pay off?

"...i found it inquisitive..."
Does that mean my blog is curious?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Leanord isn't spam, maybe he got the same bit you got and checked out the other people who got it?

Maybe he actually found your writing interesting.
By the way, Cousin Sid is beginning to mention that she hasn't ever read anything written by you and that writing talent obviously rins in the family and She'd be very interested in reading something you write.

The Mooooo