Friday, January 13, 2006

The Truth

Today's Bob the Angry Flower is exactly how I feel.


heels said...

I love soy milk! We don't even keep regular milk in the house anymore. I guess that means we won't be inviting you over again- I don't like firearms in my house, thanks.
(I guess we could buy real milk. Just for you.)

ticknart said...

I remember the soy milk while I visited. That's why I didn't have any cereal. Don't worry, I won't bring a gun, I'll just borrow a knife to scrape off my taste buds.

heels said...

It was vanilla...

(At least soy milk doesn't have any pus in it from nasty infected-teat cows. I've never even SEEN a teat on a soybean.)

Anonymous said...

Vanilla soy milk is just as nasty as "plain" soy milk. Icky, icky!

You don't have to scrape off your taste buds, just eat something that will temporarily deaden them. Something like, oh, I don't know, chili peppers?

The Moooooooo

ticknart said...

The main reason I don't drink soy milk is the sticky, sweet afterbirth it leaves in my mouth. Yuck.

Part of my problem/confusion with the whole soy milk thing is that it's called milk. Milk, by it's nature, comes from a teat. Where is the teat on a soy bean? Shouldn't it be called soy juice?

One day, when I was still working at 'Bucks, I took a huge Sharpie and wrote juice over the word milk on all the cardboard boxes of soy "milk." I spent that whole week calling it soy juice. The only reason I stopped is because the manager took me aside and "told" me to stop.