Friday, September 01, 2006

Actual Fun At Work

I'm off to Cowtown for the weekend. I'll be visiting my parent's and fixing my car. Last night I was told that new belts have been purchased all that is needed now is time and effort to get the thing running safely again. Let's all hope it won't be too hot.

In other news, I had an interesting conversation with SHTK earlier.

It all started with an attorney asking, "Is there a way to call the judge?"

After he was dealt with I looked at SHTK and said, "It's funny that so many of them ask if there's a way to call the judge because every time I hear them say that I want to say, 'Sure, just stand there and scream. She may hear you.'"

"When they ask me that," she said, "I stand here like this." She put her hands around her mouth, squinted her eyes, and pretended to yell. "Some of them don't think it's funny, though."

"People should be more precise when they speak," I said. "It's like when I was little and we were at my grandparents' house for a party or something and someone asked me if we have a bathroom. I said, 'No, it has a toilet, too.'" SHTK started to laugh. "My grandma wasn't too thrilled with me. I guess it was a sign that I'd end up being an English major in college."

"What about 'restroom'?" she asked.

"I know."

"I don't know about you, but I don't do a lot of resting when I'm in there."

"Maybe if there was a couch, or something," I said.

"Yeah but if it was near the toilets, I wouldn't want to sit there."

"It could be called a 'restroom,' though, because there'd be a place to rest after the strain."

We both laughed.

"Another name is 'the loo."

"I always thought of it as an insult, like calling it a 'John."

"I don't think it's spelled that way."

"Still, that's what I've always thought. It's like the first time I heard someone say, 'I'm going to hit the head.' I was confused. I was wondering why anyone on a boat would want to hit their head on anything."

"I wondered why they'd hit their heads on a toilet."

We started to laugh again.

"My grandmother," she said, "refused to call it perfume. She'd go around saying, 'It's nothing but toilet water, plain and simple!'"

And with that latest fit of laughter, we were told to get back to work.

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