Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Eighteen Months

I remember reading or hearing that 28 is the best time to get married and start having kids because that's the point in a person's life that everything is starting to come together and stabilize.

I guess that means I have about eighteen months to get over my personal problems and find a girl who'll put up with me for, presumably, the rest of her life.

At least my shit will be together by the end of those eighteen months even if I'm not married, right? Right?

Well, shit.

Today is just one of those days where I want to say "fuck you" to each and every person I see. I want to make them all miserable.

There is no logic to this. It just is.


heels said...

Can we do something to make you happier instead of you making anyone else miserable? A monkey butler, perhaps? Or clowns! (No.wait.clowns baaaaddd.)Um, um, Ponies? Do you like ponies? No?

ticknart said...

No monkey butler, thanky you. Monkeys are entertaining in theory, but in practice they sort of scare me.

Ponies, on the other hand, are delicious.

Anonymous said...

Pony Eater!!!


choochoo said...

so that means that I have less than a year to become stabilized? But... But... oh shit

ticknart said...

Choochoo, I assume that people have until the day before they turn 29 to get everything in order. Otherwise, I'd only have six months.

And I'm hoping my shit will magically come together because that's the only way it is coming together.

Unknown said...

Don't despair, it took me until I was 40 to know what I wanted and until I was almost 50 to get there. No wonder my kids were all fucked up.

ticknart said...

Fab Grandma, at least you had something (kids) to distract you. That probably makes it a lot easier.