Wednesday, September 13, 2006


This afternoon was the most productive afternoon I've ever had at work.

At two fifteen, I took a lawyer's file for an injured worker and began copying what he had so I could recreate the file for us.

Two and a half hours and eight hundred odd pages later, I finished.

When I got back to my desk SHTK asked me the name of the person on the file. I told her. She said it was found a while ago. I checked the shelves. Sure enough, it was there.

Tomorrow morning, I get to shred eight hundred odd pages. It should only take me about fifteen minutes.

It was the best afternoon I've had at work in a long time.


Queenie said...

Today it took from lunch until nine pm to agree, yes, the word 'team' should be included in our mission statement.
We do not understand the term productive.


ticknart said...


Were you paid for your time? I think that totally makes the complete waste of everyone's time worth it, at least when you look back on it later.

If you weren't, then I suggest ass kicking.

Queenie said...

I am sure someday we will get paid...


ticknart said...

Then ass kicking it shall be!