Tuesday, October 24, 2006

An Idea For a Blog Post

I've been having trouble writing the things that I want to be writing here. Mostly stuff about comics (especially the JSA, apparently there are some comic fans (more specifically they're DC comic fans) who don't get it) and some horrible news about one of my favorite TV shows and the general loathing I have toward my job and, by extension, my life right now. Also, there are two letters that I should really respond to right now (I should have responded to one last week, actually). I can't/don't, for some reason.

In my private stall this afternoon, I was pondering the reasons for the lack of motivation. Am I just lazy? Do I have nothing to say? Am I trying to save writing for NaNoWriMo? Which I thought was silly. You can't save writing, can you? Maybe you can. Maybe you want to write, but don't and that need to write just builds up inside of you until, in a fluffy of activity, you churn out four long blog posts and a rough draft for a short story and an outline for a screenplay in on day. What I really mean is that I can't save up writing. If I don't do it, it just disappears. Gone. Forever gone.

That led me to thinking about my idea for my NaNoWriMo and how I haven't written anything down. I haven't written sketches about the main characters, not even their names. I haven't outlined the main points the plot should hit. I haven't even come up with a title. Should I be doing these things? Is it cheating? It won't be part of the finished product, so I could do it, right?

And then I was wondering if I should just share my idea here. I'm going to be seeing many of the people who read this stuff on a semi-regular basis on Saturday and I expect that at least one person, who isn't a parent, to ask me about it. (Although he could be distracted by the goings on, and even if he's not distracted by the goings on he's usually easy to distract with certain topics.) Maybe I should head off any questions and just write about my idea here.

That's when some jackass voice said not to. Said that I should keep it a secret. Why keep it a secret? The only person I (sort of) know who's doing this madness as well has her own ideas and would never use mine. So, what's the point of keeping mine secret.

The jackass voice had no response to that.

So, guess what I'm going to do! Tomorrow, though, because it's almost time to go and I'm going to see a movie tonight.


Anonymous said...

She's not the only person you know.... (I think I might have seen the same movie as you... what'd you think of the 3D?)

ticknart said...

To the best of my knowledge, she is.

And I know I saw a different movie than you saw. None of the theaters around here can show 3D movies.

ticknart said...

I just realized what movie you're talking about. Yeah, if it was here, I'd go see it.

Anonymous said...

The 3D is BRILLIANT (at times) if you get the chance and if you look closely at things that don't look like they change... ...(...IE my space...)...

ticknart said...

Haven't I already been there? Haven't I already praised you? Or is there another place for me to go?

Anonymous said...

Non no, it's there, teeny tiny, just after ellipses

Anonymous said...

Or an obscure refference to Magritte. I'll let you decide...

ticknart said...

Cool! Good luck!

What's your profile page? I'll add you as a "buddy."

My profile is here.