Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Few Bits

The First Bit:

I'm not going to finish the NaNoWriMo thing. A couple of weeks ago my main character started to become me and I really lost interest in writing it. I'm hoping to get another 2000 words out so I'm at least over the 20000 word mark. I may not, though. Who knows.

The Other Bit:

While I enjoyed my time back in Cowtown, part of me wishes that I hadn't gone because it just makes me loathe being here. The city is okay, but it's about to go through a growth spurt that will ruin the small town feeling that it's somehow kept even though there are over one hundred thousand people. Next year starts construction on two buildings in the downtown area that are going to be fourteen stories tall. If I wanted to live in a city with buildings that tall, I'd have moved to one when I started this job.

One More Bit:

I'm also going through a bit of post holiday self loathing. I'll try not to let it overflow here, too much.


heels said...

Sorry we missed you over Thanksgiving. We were pretty busy with family, too. Will you be up for Christmas? We were also considering going to SF for New Year's. Maybe you don't want a repeat of the horror dinner with Spence though...

ticknart said...

I didn't try to meet up with anyone over Thanksgiving. I will be up for Christmas weekend, but I have to leave Monday night, since I have work on Tuesday morning.

As for New Year's... I'd rather sleep. It's the one holiday that I completely loathe.

choochoo said...

sometimes you start writing something and it just doesn't work. There's not much to do about that, really. It might work again some time in the future. Maybe not. Time will tell, or something along those lines.

ticknart said...

What really sucks about it, though, is that I start writing (fiction, essays, things not blog related) so rarely that I really wanted it to work.

Next year, though, I'll give it another go. And by then my computer won't be acting so weird.

Queenie said...

Congratulations on your word count. I ma seriously impressed and loathing myself for not putting out too much this month for the Nano.
Oh, well.
I guess I have next year too.


ticknart said...

Q, I've been told that just getting started is more than most people will do and those of us who did should be proud of ourselves.

Maybe if we keep repeating it we'll eventually believe it.