Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Four, It's Not The Magic Number

Been tagged by Jazz, who was tagged by Choochoo.

P.S. I'm not hunting down pictures, no matter what it might add to the reader's experience.

Four Jobs I've Had During My Life:

Worked at the front desk of my dorm building my first year of college. Mostly, I sat back there and did my home work, read, or played Solitaire (sometimes on the computer, but mostly with real cards). I was probably the only student who went to that school who had his homework done before midnight on Fridays.

I worked at a sandwich shop making, duh, sandwiches. I was there for about 18 months. I saw all the tourist freaks who came up to the mountains to get away from the city, but wanted all the conveniences of the city near by. "What do you mean the nearest movie theater is fifteen miles away? Isn't there one closer?" I'd be asked. "There's only one in the whole county. If you want to rent a movie there's a place right near store," I'd say. "But I wanted to see [insert crappy action movie starring Will Smith name here]," I'd hear. And then I'd charge that person for the sandwich I was making the whole time. Sometimes, I marvel at the fact that I still have all my original fingertips.

I did the Starbucks thing for nearly three years. It's pretty well documented in the archived sections here between December 1, 2003 and September 2, 2005.

Now I work here trying to look busy so I can spend time reading things on the 'net.

And those are the only four jobs I've had where taxes were taken out of my paycheck.

Four TV Shows I Like To Watch:

Only reruns of Frasier and my DVD collection, right now.

If I had broadcast TV I know I'd be obsessively watching Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, Lost, and The Office. (Well, not Lost anymore, since the idiots decided on a "no rerun" policy and yanked it until February. That's a long wait.)

If I had all the happy cable channels, I'd have kick out one of those to put Battlestar Galactica in.

And then in January 24 is back on TV. Argh! So many good things to watch that I can't watch.

But I don't have either broadcast or cable, so I'm currently working my way through my parents' copy of the first season of Star Trek.

Out of the ones that I own and can (and often do) watch whenever I want:

Star Trek: Deep Space 9 - The best of the Trek, I'm still missing the sixth season, though.

South Park - I only own up through Season 5, for now. "Scott Tenorman Must Die" is one of the funniest things ever produced on TV. The last line of "Here Comes the Neighborhood" is awesome, too.

Wonderfalls - All of you who didn't watch it when it was on TV screwed up. You got a great show cancelled. Shame on you. Shame.

Daria - Simply the best.

Four Places I've Lived:

The question here is how specific do I want to get?

Is writing "Only in California." enough?

How about writing that I've lived in Cowtown, Cowcity, North Bay, and College-ville?

To clarify a bit:

Cowtown: Where I lived between the ages of 5-18, 19-21, 23-24, 26. My hometown.

Cowcity: Where I lived between the ages of 24-26 and thought I'd be going to Grad School.

North Bay: Where I live now.

College-ville: The city with my second university which only claim to fame was the fact that it had a university in it.

Four Foods I Eat Too Much Of:

Fresh, soft, super sour sourdough bread. The smell. The texture. The flavor.

Ice cream, in general, is one of the greatest things ever. In particular: mint chocolate chip, rocky road, vanilla, fudge brownie, and so many others.

Pasta. I just have a general desire for the stuff. Slather it in red or white sauce with our without meat (unless it's shellfish, in which case I'll send the pasta right back up onto the plate), in a salad with olives and bits of cheese, dry and crunchy straight from the package, it's all good.

Four Movies I'd Watch Over and Over:

Fantasia - It's simply the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life.

Clerks - I can't help it.

Sleepless in Seattle - It makes my insides melt every time I watch it.

I'm gonna reserve the fourth slot for everything else that I've already watched over and over.

Four Places I'd Rather Be:

This is assuming infinite money and no need to work ever again, right?

Europe, just in general. That's where the history of my history begins. That's where most of the stories that I love first came from. That's where more has happened to shape the world than anywhere else. It's dirty, dark, cold, beautiful, old, new, totally wonderful, and where I'd like to be.

I'd like to be in New York City walking off a nice meal and heading toward a theater to see some new play.

On a beach where the water is clear, the breeze is light, and the people are few and far between.

In a house on a hill in a snowstorm with a fire going a book in my hand and nothing to worry about.

Four People I'm Tagging:

I don't want to tag anyone. If you want me to tag you, leave a comment and I'll edit the post.


Jazz said...

Fresh sourdough bread... slathered with butter... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

choochoo said...

Yum... Pasta. I just had a big bowl of pasta for breakfast. Thats right - breakfast. Goood stuff.

ticknart said...

Jazz, butter is only a crutch used to up the flavor of sourdough that isn't sour enough. It's still good, though.

Choochoo, I'll see your pasta for breakfast and raise you bean burritos.