Thursday, February 08, 2007

Spewing Bile!

Anna Nicole Smith is dead!

Allow me to be among the earliest to say that with her passing the brightness of the world has not dimmed by one photon. Yes, it's horrible that her daughter has to grow up without a mother, but that doesn't mean that this media whore who used the birth of her daughter and the death of her son to grab time on the television and words in the newspapers from stories that are more worthy added anything of real value to life on this planet.


Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the fight for her billionaire oil-tycoon, 80-yr old husband's money that's been going on throughout the final years of her life! Need we pray for her soul?

Queenie said...

The lawyer did it.


Jazz said...

Okaaaaay. So when do we start taking bets as to when the movie of the week will come out? Oh, and the biography, musn't forget that.

ticknart said...

AE, I didn't forget, but it was really stupid and I didn't want to be the one who brought it up.

Q, Personally, I'm hoping for breast leakage.

Jazz, Just wait for the conspiracy theory to appear each year around this time for the rest of our lives.

choochoo said...

what will we ever do without that lovely, shrill voice shouting "do you like my booooody?"

ticknart said...

I'm sure someone just like her, only younger and more annoying, will be along in a year or so. So there's no need to worry, Chooch.