Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ends in Odds

One of my brothers is up in Washington for the summer. He's there with his girlfriend at her parents' place. If I remember correctly, it's some island near Seattle, but it isn't exactly Seattle. (I wonder if they have to take a ferry to get to the island?) When school starts, they move to Oregon. I'm not sure where. All I know is that the place they move is like three hours from Portland, so the next time they show the Too Much Coffee Man Opera, I won't have a cheap place to stay.

Don't know why I wrote that.

'Course, don't know why I'm writing anything today.

Work has been weird. We're in that nebulous period between our old computer system and the new one where they've shut down the old and no one can actually use the new. Yeah, it's fucking stupid and a real fucking pain in the ass. Some of the trainers refuse to accept that it's a pain in the ass, though, and keep telling us that we just need more practice and that we'll get it eventually.



Jessy said...

haha.....i love that you are in the nebulous period =)

geewits said...

You said:
Don't know why I wrote that.

You wrote that because your subconscious is irritated about all the change going on. Both parts of your post are about change.

Change can be a bitch, but it's part of life and you have to just soldier on. I KNOW all about that. Plus maybe you didn't even realize that your were irritated by these changes going on and now you do and it's okay. In any case TGIF! That will never change.

Jazz said...

Wow, I love Geewits sharp mind...

Well, at least you live in the sun, while your brother has to live in never-ending rain.

But then ...

Meh, I dunno why I wrote that either.

In any case, TGIF

choochoo said...

The world is full of fuckers. It's just the way it is. Can't live with'em, can't attack them with baseball bats. It's unfair.

ticknart said...

Jess -- I guess it could have been a "foggy period," but I like my words a little more science fictiony when ever possible.

Geewits -- The work change is irritating, the brother change is intriguing.

Although part of it may also be me being irritated that I'm not the one moving. I wish I was the kind of person who could just quit his job and move somewhere else and find a new one.

Jazz -- She's sharper than me, that's for sure.

And my brother likes the clouds and rain and cool of Oregon. When he lived in SF he'd bitch about the days where the sun was shining and it was around 72, but he cheered when it was foggy and 50.

Choochoo -- I don't think I want to attack them with bat, I'd rather they all dropped dead. Although, I'd probably be one of them. That's sort of a conundrum.