Friday, August 15, 2008

No Hoo-Hahs Here

Work is almost at an end and so is my time connected to the intervurb. I have no stories about hoo-hahs. I could complain more about work, but I don't want to. I have no crazy pets. I don't particularly care about the new Star Wars movie. And I haven't thought about the Olympics until just now and that was only because I wanted another sentence.

Still a little filler is better than not posting again, especially when I have time. Even though it's not much time.

Other than laundry and shopping I have no idea what I'll be doing this weekend. Not much, I expect. Hope yours was/is filled with great things.


Jazz said...

Surprisingly enough, it sunned all weekend here. A first this summer I think. It terrified me, I think I cowered in the closet for 48 hours, but I'm not sure, I seem to have blanked it out.

Jazz said...

Oh, and there's an award for you at my blog.

ticknart said...

Were you collaging while cowering?

And thanks.