Wednesday, October 01, 2008

42 Things That Are Good

  1. "Under Pressure" by Davide Bowie and Queen
  2. Peanut Butter
  3. The first frost of fall. (Although we don't get ours here until the last week or so of November.)
  4. This xkcd comic.
  5. Methyl Salicylate, in safe amounts.
  6. How the hat is involved with the Golden Plates.
  7. Brothers
  8. Scott Pilgrim comics
  9. Barenaked Ladies, the band or the naked ladies.
  10. $5 night at the movie theater.
  11. Thinking about a comic my brother and I came up with, but will probably never make. And if it does get made, it'll never be published.
  12. Daria, the TV show
  13. "Daria," the Cake song
  14. Raccoon faces
  15. Fainting goats
  16. Republican blocking the bailout plan on Monday.
  17. The freshly cut ends from a stick of salami.
  18. Thunder and lightning
  19. Warm rains where the drops are the size of bees.
  20. The extra fuzzy part of carpets under couches.
  21. Aquaman, the best superhero
  22. Stargate: Atlantis
  23. New comic day
  24. Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
  25. Tina Fey, in general
  26. Pen and paper RPGs with friends
  27. The upside down question mark. (¿)
  28. Fables
  29. Jack of Fables
  30. ANSI Art
  31. Cheese
  32. Star Trek and most of what's followed.
  33. Low clouds pressed into flat discs.
  34. Wood stoves
  35. Prime numbers
  36. Why stars twinkle.
  37. The Muppet Show
  38. Blogs devoted to critically thinking about comics.
  39. The smell of new, pink erasers.
  40. Plurals that end in -ices.
  41. Math jokes
  42. 5:00 PM


ticknart said...

Today, I thought about doing a follow-up to this post and do 42 Bad Things, but I figured pasting "My Job" 41 times after writing it would be overkill.

Anonymous said...

That would be total cheating!
Besides, I could do that, too.