Sunday, July 04, 2004

Bursting With Light

The apartment smells like sulfur and popcorn.

The sulfur comes from the people who have been lighting little, loud fireworks on the road and in the parking spaces.

The popcorn comes from me because I wanted something to eat while I watched the big fireworks.

The show was pretty far away, but still wonderful. I liked the ones that had a ring around the ball of sparkling light. I also like the ones that burst, then the sparkles do some erratic flying of their own. These people had a lot that burst into shapes--hearts, stars, smiley faces, cat faces, other thing--I don't much care for those. Not enough to them. Give me the large spheres of color, not stupid flat shapes.

I didn't get to see my cousins today. I woke up late. (Silly me, I didn't set the alarm. Of course Saturday morning, I woke up at six-thirty, with no alarm.) I had to rush to get out and then get to work on time. It turns out that I had miss written my schedule. I showed up just before one, but didn't have to start until one-thirty. I guess I could have spent some time with my cousins, but is it really fair to see them for maybe a half hour, when I haven't seen them in a year or so? I think that if I had visited with them and had to run away after only twenty or thirty minutes, I would be feeling much more guilty than I am right now.


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