Friday, July 23, 2004


I was cleaning my room (mostly picking up coffee smelling clothes that I just wanted to get out of and moving the pile of comics away from my bed) and listening to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (again) when I realized that I had yet to blog today. I don't have much to say, but there's that nutty goal I set for myself to blog something, however useless (which is why the name is what it is) it happens to be. I didn't do anything worth writing about, today.

Is it worth mentioning that I didn't vomit or bleed from my eyes today? If I did those things each day, I suppose it'd be worth mentioning, but since I don't, I doubt it is.

One important thing happened to me, I suppose. I spoke with ~o, who was calling to speak with my roommate. He was happy to learn that my illness wasn't from the food at his party, but probably from work, since three or four people are sick, but keep showing up since we don't have anyone to cover shifts. (The illness has nothing to do with OWGAWE, she was just stupid. How many of you would just take three pills from your roommates, or any roommate you had, without at least asking what they were?) I was happy to learn that ~o understands what it's like for me at large gatherings and he accepted that I had a much better time at the party than my post about it suggested, because I did.

I made some people laugh a couple of times. I listened to some wonderful music. I tried some crappy Japanese snack food, each thing tasted like one I ate before, except for the one with seaweed wrapped around, which tasted the same, but with seaweed. And there was that one time when I said something (I wish I could remember what it was) to a group of people that made all their eyes bug out, jaws drop, and stare at me. I wandered away during that silence. I think I could live off of those moments, if they had the necessary vitamins, minerals, carbs, proteins, oxygen, and water the human animal needs to survive.


Queenie said...

You made me laugh a lot.


Queenie said...

But the fact I can no longer access your archives makes me pout.


ticknart said...


I don't know what was wrong, but it's fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.