Friday, July 09, 2004

Modest No More

(at least for today)

I’m a pretty modest guy. I don’t gloat about myself, much. I rarely think that the things I do are all that amazing and that everyone can do the things I do as well or better than me. It’s not often that I get off my ass and shout the glory that is me at the world.

I bet you can see where this post will be going.

Earlier, I was bored and trying to think of something to write, so I decided to skim the other things that I’ve written here. I’ve been doing this Blog intermittently for the past ten months (okay, so ten months will actually be next Friday, but none of you knew that until just now, and most of you still don’t care, do you?) and Blogger says that I have over 170 posts, that’s about a post ever other day.

As expected, much of it is crap. Lots of short crap, one or two lines or a picture with a line or just a picture or stupid quiz results, basically useless stuff. Then there are longer posts, over five lines, that are crap, posts where I write a lot, but don’t really say anything at all. Yeah, there are lots of posts like that (like this one will probably turn out to be).

Then there are those posts that I read that surprised me. As I read them, I couldn’t believe that I was the person who had written them. They were actually well written. They told the story or gave the information in a way that kept me interested. These were the posts that I actually read all the way through, word for word, rather than just skimming to get some basic content. Thinking back on those posts, I’m still surprised that I wrote them.

They were, and still are, damn good reading. And I feel like I need a pat on the back right now, even if it comes from me.

Here it is:
Sometimes, I’m a damn fine writer.
Sometimes, I rival the professionals I read.
Sometimes, I surpass the quality of some professionals.
Sometimes, I’m amazing.
That’s it, no more of that from me.

I’m not going to tell you people which posts I think push the boarder of good toward great, that’s for each reader to decide for his or herself. Feel free to make random guesses at the posts I like, or just say which you like, I could use the ego boost after yesterday’s post. Thanks.

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