Friday, September 10, 2004

Frude Dude

Freudian Inventory Results
Genital (40%) you appear to be stuck between a progressive and regressive outlook on life.
Latency (66%) you may be using learning as an escape from living.
Phallic (36%) you appear to have negative issues regarding sexuality and/or have an uncertain sexual identity.
Anal (40%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity.
Oral (30%) you appear to be stubbornly and irrationally against receiving help even when it might be the more intelligent option.
Take Free Freudian Inventory Test
personality tests by

The first question of this test is what sex you are. With the little I know about Freud, I keep thinking that if you mark Female it'll tell you your problem is that you don't have a penis and and are just jealous of all of those who do.

Now that's a way to make friends.

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