Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This is All

I think a cold has caught me.

About two hours ago, my nose started leaking and I started sneezing. Then my head started aching and my eyes felt strained. Now I'm feeling tired.

Right now, I'm pretty sure I'll be in tomorrow. I have nothing better to do. And what's the worst that could happen? I get the other people in my office sick and they can't come in. Darn. I'd be so disappointed if they weren't here.


geewits said...

Better to get sick on Tuesday than on Friday.

Jazz said...

I always drag my carcass in when I have a nasty cold. Then, when I call in sick for no reason, they figure I really must be sick.

ticknart said...

Geewits -- That depends on what your weekend is like.

Jazz -- My problem is that when I'm sick I do the whole "stiff upper lip" thing so other than more nose blowing, no one knows I'm sick. All two times I've actually called in sick they do the nudge-wink at me, like I wasn't really sick at all.