Friday, September 21, 2007


I wasn't gonna bother writing anything today, but then it got to be now and I'm really bored.

There's nothing for me to say. Usually, when I write a post in the afternoon, I sort of muse over what I can write all day long so that, in the end, something will be written. And so now this post will be all "meh" because I thought I had stuff to do all the way up until I had to leave.

The guy who sits next to me has spent about four or five hours of the last two days on the phone with his mobile phone company so he could get his broken phone replaced. He got angry and he got loud and he did it while people were coming in from the outside world. How is it he can do this? Maybe in a private office, I can see how a person can get away with this, but the only offices here are for judges, not for us peons.

I just heard a Far and Away reference. That was odd.

I am sooooooo looking forward to getting out of here. I need the weekend. I need the time away from work. I'm not going to do anything this weekend but not be at work.

Christ, I want it to be over. Just let it end.


geewits said...

I hope you enjoyed your weekend, and the very AWAYNESS of it.

Jazz said...

Not only has it ended, but now it's monday again.

Yes, I know, evil evil comment.

ticknart said...

Geewits -- Didn't exactly enjoy the weekend, but it wasn't a horror, either. The only thing worse than being at work, is coming back after the weekend.

Jazz -- Evil? Sure. Evil evil? Not quite.