Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Non-Holy Holiday

Thanksgiving was really pretty great this year.

It was at my parents' house, which isn't quite set up for parties, since a third of the square footage is downstairs, and things can get crowded quickly. My mom's parents were there and her brother and two of his kids (nine and six). Neither of my brothers were there. (One's in Peru, and that's quite a trip to make for a weekend.) My mom also invited Johnny Logic and Heels and their son (two) over, since their family Thanksgiving was on Friday.

There was noshing and talking and card playing and Guess Who playing and watching the two-year old play with the cats' water dish and probably other things that I've forgotten. (The dish is a big glass thing with marbles and water in it. Hell, here's a picture of him playing. The towel wasn't there when he started.)

At one point, Heels mentioned the notion of a possibility of a job where she works. In fact, it'd sort of be as assistant to her, which would probably change the whole tone of this blog ("You know, that Heels is the greatest boss in the world. She's so smart and beautiful. I'm surprised that she doesn't run the place. She should. She just so damn good. Everyone pales in comparison to her. And the way she treats her subordinates is spectacular. I've never seen anyone go out of their way to make people feel so useful and needed in a company.") because she reads this stuff when her Bloglines gets pinged. Still, if it actually comes up, I actually have stuff that could be put into a portfolio. I'm happy to know that there's a notion of a possibility of a job that could actually put some of my schooling to use.

Friday was a slow day. I did a lot of laundry.

Saturday was spent at Costco and my grandparents' (my dad's parents) house and a restaurant. We pre-celebrated my grandma's and uncle's birthday, which was actually yesterday.

I spent Sunday in a bad mood and left a hour later than I wanted to.

Then I got here and put stuff away and slept.


heels said...

I am a gracious and even-handed (I have 2 of 'em! HA!) dictator. Especially to those who bring me chocolate and books. Still no word about if I can hire my own person, but if ANYTHING comes up I'll let you know.

It was wonderful sharing Thanksgiving with your family. It was so relaxed and happy- so different than my family! I was shocked and amazed at how completely cool your parents were about the cat water (y'know, his initials are CAT), the food on the coffee table, the WHIIII-NIIIIINNG... Thanks again for letting us join you. I want to take your family and put them in my pocket to use as a little pick-me-up on the down-days.

ticknart said...

I do bring books. Chocolate probably wouldn't make it that far.

Thanksgiving was lots of fun. The messes are par for the course when little kids are involved. My parents had three, after all. And I'm sure they'd be happy to be used as the occasional pick-me-up. Especially if you ever feel like playing with a little bit of fire and glass.

PS Here's your son helping with Uno.

geewits said...

There are marbles in the cat water dish? Man I have to use special stuff to keep my cat water dishes clean. How does your Mom keep the marbles clean?

I'm glad you got to get away from work and relax with friends and family. But I missed you!

Anonymous said...

"There are marbles in the cat water dish? Man I have to use special stuff to keep my cat water dishes clean. How does your Mom keep the marbles clean?"

She doesn't, his Dad does it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Heels, We will HAVE to have you to Knights Ferry for Easter! You guys and C.A.T. would love it!

ticknart said...

Geewits -- I guess you have your answer: My parents are crazy.

Anonymous said...

~"Geewits -- I guess you have your answer: My parents are crazy."~
