Thursday, September 04, 2008

More Other

Still don't want to go on about the horrible.

So, saw the new X-Files movie. Before watching it, kept saying the subtitle as "I want to be good," rather than the actual "I Want To Believe." Was pretty good. Nice to see Mulder and Scully again. *Spoiler* Odd to watch them sleep in same bed and then in next scene call each other "Mulder" and "Scully" rather than "Fox" and "Dana." Do many lovers, who have been lovers for years, call each other by family name? *End Spoiler* Psychic guy was cool, but not as cool as Peter Boyle's psychic on the show. Villain properly freaky with properly freaky attack animal. Skinner still = awesome. Like with show, sort of wish science/logic right rather than creepy sci-fi/fantasy always right. Still, enjoyed the movie. Like one of the good episodes that didn't involve any of the ongoing conspiracies.


Jazz said...

One of my exes used my last name. But he was an asshole. And I was an idiot for sleeping with him for over a year.

Live and learn.

geewits said...

I was never a fan of this show but my daughter loves it. I'm really bummed about Star Trek being moved to May 2009. I was really looking forward to seeing it this year. Thanks for letting me know.

ticknart said...

Jazz -- And those two, in the movie, have been together for many years!

Geewits -- It took me a while to get into it.

I'm bummed about Star Trek, too. I just hope pushing it back six months doesn't mean it sucks and the studio is hoping to pull some magical answer out of their ass to save it in May when they were afraid it'd flop in December.