Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I've discovered a few things about Beta Blogger:
1. I can greatly skew visits to my blog, and I have been, by accident. I've been going through old posts and adding labels (or tags or whatever they should be called) to them. Afterward, I have to repost. Each time I do it my blog becomes the next in the cue for the "Next Blog" button. I only have around 500 posts left to update.
2. My blog no longer has a "Next Blog" button on it, but I'm sure the good people at Blogger are working on that.
3. So far, I like Beta Blogger a lot. I just hope that the html editor will be back soon. I really miss the Comic Sans font.


Queenie said...

When I come here, I find the Next Blog button. Right smack dab in the middle, at the top...


ticknart said...

Well, smack my toes and call me "nickels," it is there. I didn't see it an hour ago.

Queenie said...

It is a ittle annoying, when you are surfing blogs and you suddenly find yourself being asked to sign in.
Especially, when Blogger seems to think you are unworthy of Beta.


ticknart said...

You have to sign in when you hit my blog? To view it?

Not just when you want to write a comment?

Queenie said...

Ha Ha. No! The sign in button on Beta is in the same place Next Blog on Blogger,
Ha Ha.