Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The movie was funny, like the TV show it was based on. The food was not had because the movie an hour later than I thought. Didn't want to hang around for an extra hour after eating. Brie on croissants and zapped in the microwave was enjoyed instead.

To Kill a Mockingbird was started yesterday and I am enjoying it far more than I thought I would. Hope I'll be finishing it tonight, but that depends on how phone call goes.

Been seriously considering buying Alan Moore's (along with Melinda Gebbie) new book. It's expensive, though. Bet a lot of people will be talking about it without having read it. Want to be one who talks about it because he's read it.

Was asked about my passion a few weeks ago. Was asked about my hobby on Sunday. The two different people asked about the same thing. Hobby or passion? Bliss? Wrote these two comics about bliss over a year ago. They're still true.

Need something outside of work to make work worth it. Something besides TV and Mario Kart and Fresh Air.

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