Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Messin' Around

I'm playing with Beta Blogger today. This may look odd for a while because I'm not allowed to screw with the html, but there are labels. Keep your fingers crossed that it's coming soon.

PS If you know how to create a post like this the one Ragnell created on August 20th and August 23rd, the check the archived week, would you please post a comment about how to do it, or e-mail me? Thanks.


Queenie said...

I like how this looks right now. I might even steal it.
If someone could explain to me how to actually transfer to blogger beta...


ticknart said...

Glad you like it. I'd like it more if I could make the header go all the way across the top of the page and if I could change the font back to comic sans.

The way I got to blogger beta was through a little blue box on the right side of the dash board after I logged in. Maybe your's has one, too, Q.

Queenie said...

Alas...it does not.
This seems a little mean to me.


ticknart said...

Very unfair.

You can always protest, Q.

I don't know how. Maybe a boycott of blogger, or something.