Monday, August 13, 2007


Mike Wieringo Self PortraitComic book artist Mike Wieringo died yesterday of a heart attack.

I usually don't post things like this here because, frankly, the death of someone I don't know personally rarely affects me. This one does. Not because he's young or how he died, but because he was one of two artists working in comics in the early 90s whose art showed me that the men and women in spandex looked just as good (and often better) when they're drawn simply. His art taught me that less lines could mean better expressions and bring more life to characters. There was always plenty of life in his artwork and lots of fun, too.

I didn't follow him around from comic to comic. But I was always thrilled when I picked one up that he drew or at least drew a cover. I didn't read his blog each morning, just skimmed it every week or so to see his daily sketches. I did read his reaction to the death of Bart Allen, though.

So, thank you Mr. Wieringo for helping me to enjoy comics more. Thanks for the fun you put into your work. Thanks for co-creating Tellos. Thanks for your art. I don't have any idea if there's anything that happens next, but if there is, I hope the people there are smart enough to give you what you need to keep creating.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Even I reconize his artwork. Wow.

ticknart said...
