Friday, August 17, 2007


Do you remember the guy who sits across from me? The one who spent five weeks ratting on the rest of us to try to make himself look better? The one who spends three out of five days not doing much work so he can "catch-up" later, but when he's out his work gets piled on the rest of us? The one who snaps at the people who come in?

Yeah, him.

Well, on Tuesday, he went to an interview for an OT position. This morning he was called here at the office. He's been hired. He starts with the new pay period.

I am so fucking angry.

I want to leave. I want to just get out of here.



Anonymous said...

See you Sunday!! Ave. Q will make everything better.


ticknart said...

Wings -- Avenue Q will make Sunday excellent, but it won't really make anything better, I'm sorry to say.

Jazz said...

That sucks horrendously. I keep hoping there's a special place in hell for people like that.

ticknart said...

Jazz -- And another special place for the people they hire.

Anonymous said...

Well, two good things.One, you won't have to look at him any more and two, the people who hired him deserve what they are getting, a pain in the ass.

ticknart said...

Mooo -- I just found out that if the budget doesn't get passed, he may not be leaving. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, I guess we'd better start praying they pass the budget!