Tuesday, August 14, 2007

6 Minutes

The power was off in the building for about six minutes. Just enough time for there to be hope that we'd be able to leave. Oh, well.

The time before the last time I visited my parents, I borrowed my mom's set of all four Alien movies. I finally finished watching the last one. The last one is not good. I like to pretend that Joss Whedon's script was massacred during rewrites, the movie is so bad compared to the others, hell compared to a lot of movies out there.

Okay, that's it. I'm done with this for today. I'm just not in the mood to write anything about anything today. We'll see about tomorrow, won't we?


Jazz said...

I only saw the first Alien. Why ruin a good thing by doing it over and over again until it dies an ignominious death

Jazz said...

I only saw the first Alien. Why ruin a good thing by doing it over and over again until it dies an ignominious death

Jazz said...

Blogger hates me, it either won't let me in or posts my things multiple times so I look like a fool.

ticknart said...

Actually, they're all so different that they're really not sequels in the normal sense. If you like action movies, the second one is great. If you like movies about the hopelessness of life, the third one is excellent. (The third is my favorite.) The fourth is just horrible science wrapped in bad fiction dipped in the tasty pastry of beautiful set design and cinematogrophy.

And even if blogger hates you, I don't.