Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I have no real news or anything to write.

It has been announced that the state's budget was passed today, which is good. I'll miss the bitching that the rest of the office did, though. That was fun. For me.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor. Stupid Kaiser is making me see a GP so I can get a "referral" to the doctors I really want to see. Stupid HMO.

I really hated the way Black Canary #4 ended. I had planned on writing about it, but then I read this post about how stupid Black Canary has been and saw no point in pretty much saying the same thing. (Some of which I said before.) Oh, and it looks like I was right about Sin being less interesting than Ollie's kids.

Last time I was at the movies, I noticed that they changed the name of the movie from The Dark is Rising to The Seeker: The Dark is Rising. I guess the sequel, if they make one, will be called The Seeker: Greenwitch? Although I'm betting they'll skip over that title and go with The Grey King and add in a small plot point that has Will find the Grail. So much for the Drews. Maybe a Jane-ish character will appear in the second movie. I mean, Will is a horny teen in the movie, instead of a too-old-for-his-eleven-years kid with a mission to save the world like he was in the book.

All day long, it's been hard for me to believe that it's only Tuesday. It feels like Thursday, at least. I'm just really tired, I guess.

This'll probably make me come off as very anti-marriage, but I was not happy with today's PvP. Brent proposed to Jade, and she said yes. *sigh* Maybe tomorrow we'll find out that the furries have defeated the Storm Troopers and she's finally free to leave the bathroom. We'll see. Still my initial reaction is to wonder why? Why would Scott Kurtz want to get Jade and Brent engaged? Way back when Jade and Brent broke up, he wrote about how if they're only dating, he could break them up and get them back together all he wants, but if they get engaged and married, a break-up means something very different. It's not as funny as a marriage breaking up over World of Warcraft or watching one a DVD without the other is sad, but just a couple doing that can be funny. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Was directed here from WFA.

The trailer for The Dark is Rising offended me so badly I refuse to acknowledge its existance.

On the other hand, the trailer for The Bridge to Terabithia somehow managed to advertise for a completely different film altogether, so I guess you can't judge a movie by its preview.

Just the same. Horny teen Will=gag.

ticknart said...

Jill -- I don't know about you, but when I learned that they were makeing a Dark is Rising movie, I was so excited that I went back and read the series again. I was hoping that they'd do as well as The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe did in translating to the movie screen. At least the Narnia preview made the film look good.

Still, I want it to be a good movie, even if Will is a neglected, psychologically abused, horn dog.

Anonymous said...

See, I saw the preview and had a knee-jerk "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG D:" reaction. I didn't even recognize what the were advirtising until the title screen. It just looks so MODERN and AMERICAN and TRENDY. But again- previews can be misleading. It just doesn't look very promising to me. In the end, I'll probably see it anyway, just so I can get my facts straight when I prepare to rant about it (and hopefully be delightfully decieved, as I was with Terabithia.)

I'm usually excited when I hear my favorite books are getting attention from Hollywood, but Hollywood so rarely does them justice.

ticknart said...

I was the same way, Jill. When I saw Stardust and there was a preview for The Golden Compass, which looked amazing, followed by a preview for The Dark is Rising, I wanted to scream, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" at the screen. I'm going to see it, and I know I'll bitch about it because of the Will's american, he's older, and his first priority doesn't seem to be saving the world, but impressing a girl. Also, there are all those rumors that a lot of the Arthurian mythology has been cut out, if that's true, that sucks.

Here's to hoping that our fears are misguided, right?

Anonymous said...

None of your fears are misfounded; you aren't afraid enough. Go to the IMBd for The Seeker to find out just how out of whack this movie is. It's not "how much of the movie have they changed" but "have they left any of it unchanged?"