Saturday, June 18, 2005


I'm sitting here waiting for the fire to catch enough for me to close it all the way down and pondering the people I have to close with.

Tonight, I realized why I don't really like closing. It's the people I close with. They're not bad people, their just night people. And their friends are night people. That means that the employees stop and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and... well, you get the idea. The drinks line up. The people in the drive-thru start getting angry and I'm the one who has to face angry customers.

I have two more days of this to face. Oy.

On another note, I saw the new Batman today. It was pretty good. I had three major problems with it. Several not so major problems. And lots of suggestions that could have cleaned it up nicely, but I'm not important enough because those Hollywood people know I'll see whatever crap they put out and slap the word Batman to it.

One thing it did was really made me appreciate how great the cartoon we grew up with was. Go and rent a disk of the cartoon after seeing the movie, you'll see what I mean.

Oh, and Katie Holmes is starting to look like a skeleton. She was much cuter when her face was more round while she was on The Creek.

Okay, fire should be ready by now.


heels said...

But hey, the only one with nipple issues was Katie Holmes, so that's an improvment.

ticknart said...

Personally, I didn't mind her nipple issues.