Thursday, June 23, 2005

Many Questions

I just wanted you to have to scroll for a long time.

I pulled this off of Heels's blog and then saw the one Slackbastard did. Go, tell her her baby is beautiful, but don't tell her I told you to.

Smoked a cigarette? Yeah, but barfed right afterward. Nothing like vomit to turn yourself off of something.
Smoked a cigar? If it’s really like smoking 3 cigarettes at once, I’ll need more stomachs.
Made out with a member of the same sex? Nope
Crashed a friend’s car? I’ve never even driven a friend’s car.
Stolen a car? No.

Been in love? I’m pretty sure, but she didn’t know about it.
Been dumped? To be dumped would mean I’ve dated someone more than once.
Shoplifted? A Tootsie Roll.
Been fired? No, I quit.
Been in a fist fight? Nope, I make a confusing remark then run.

Snuck out of my parents house? To go where, the creek?
Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? All the time.
Been arrested? No.
Made out with a stranger? No.
Gone on a blind date? No.

Lied to a friend? Who hasn’t?
Had a crush on a teacher? No.
Skipped school? Yes.
Slept with a co-worker? No.
Seen someone die? No, but I think I’d like to be there with a sleeping old person and just watch then slip away, all peaceful like.

Been to Canada? No, but saw it from the top of a roller coaster.
Been to Mexico? Calexico, yuck.
Been on a plane? Yes.
Thrown up in a bar? No.

Purposely set a part of myself on fire? Yes, it’s main reason I have rubbing alcohol.
Eaten sushi? Once. I wish I had tried the white tuna.
Been snowboarding? No.

Taken painkillers? Yes, but mostly aspirin.
Love someone or miss someone right now? Of course.
Laid on your back and watched the cloud shapes go by? Yes.
Made a snow angel? Yup, even when there wasn’t any snow.

Had a tea party? Had cookie parties, not tea.
Flown a kite? Yes.
Built a sand castle? Yes, mostly those turd looking ones.
Gone puddle jumping? Yes, this morning at work when the ice machine flooded the back room.
Played dress up? My favorite part of Halloween.

Jumped into a pile of leaves? Yes.
Gone sledding? Yes.
Cheated while playing a game? Yes, but I’m usually caught, unless it’s Risk and I get the others into fights.
Been lonely? Mostly at parties.
Fallen asleep at work/school? Nope.

Used a fake ID? No.
Watched the sun set? Yes. Fire season sunsets are the best. So are fire season sunrises.
Felt an earthquake? Yup.
Touched a snake? Yes.

Been tickled? Yes.
Been robbed? Yeah.
Robbed someone? No.
Been misunderstood? I think I have, but that’s really a question for others to answer, but they’d probably lie to me.
Pet a reindeer/goat? Reindeer: no. Goat: yes. Homosexual Goat: yes.

Won a contest? Only if auctions are contests.
Run a red light? Yes. It was early in the morning and I just blew through it without thinking. Thank goodness it didn’t have one of those cameras.
Been suspended from school? No.
Had a detention? Yup, for reading a newspaper.
Been in a car accident? A tappy one where there was no damage caused to anyone and I wasn’t driving.

Had braces? Nope. A few crooked teeth give character, right?
Felt like an outcast? I’m going with Heel’s answer, “I was in High School.”
Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night? More than a pint.
Had deja-vu? Not like Neo had deja-vu.
Danced in the moonlight? Alone.

Witnessed a crime? Only the ones politicians commit.
Pole danced? No, but made up stories about a horrible teacher pole dancing with dyes.
Questioned your heart? Yes.
Been obsessed with post-it notes? Oddly enough, I always end up losing post-its.

Squished barefoot through the mud? Oh yeah.
Been lost? In freakin’ SF while trying to drive in the city.
Been to the opposite side of the country? No, but hope to get there soon.
Swam in the ocean? Only one of them.
Felt like dying? Recently?

Cried yourself to sleep? No, I’m usually done crying and into the deep self loathing part.
Played cops and robbers? Yes.
Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers? Yes.
Sung karaoke? Nope.
Paid for a meal with only coins? Yes, and the bitch deserved it.

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Not yet.
Made prank phone calls? No.
Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Not yet.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.
Kissed in the rain? No.

Written a letter to Santa Claus? Yes.
Been kissed under mistletoe? By relatives.
Watched the sunset with someone you care about? It depends on what you mean by "someone you care about."
Blown bubbles? With my spit.
Made a bonfire on the beach? No, but I hear about them all the time from my brother.

Crashed a party and took their tap? No.
Gone roller-skating? Yes.
Had a wish come true? Never.
Humped a monkey? She wasn’t that hairy.

Worn pearls? No.
Jumped off a bridge? No.
Screamed penis in class? Yes, and vagina.
Eaten dog/cat food? A dog biscuit, once. It was the thing to do. Don’t judge by just one question.
Told a complete stranger you loved/hated them? I reserve those words people I actually care about.

Sang in the shower? Show tunes. Cabaret is a favorite.
Have a little black dress? No.
Fucked in the park? No.
Had a dream that you married someone? Yes.
Glued your hand to something? Yes.
Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No, the metal thing in the freezer.
Kissed a fish? No.
Worn the opposite sexes clothes? For Halloween. And I was pregnant.
Been a cheerleader? If I had, I’d be dead, or visiting a camp that has Ru Paul without his wig.
Sat on a roof top? Yes.

Had sex in church? Nope.
Screamed at the top of your lungs? No.
Done a one-handed cartwheel? Let’s get through the two-handed cartwheel first.
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours? No, I like the letter thing or face-to-face thing too much.
Stayed up all night? Yes, see the post from a couple of days ago.

Haven’t take a shower for a week? Yeah, but there were probably baths during that week.
Pick and ate an apple right off the tree? Yes.
Climbed a tree? Yes.
Had a tree house? No, because the trees around here suck.
Are scared to watch scary movies alone? No.

Believe in ghosts? Only the ones of my past and future and present.
Have more than 30 pairs of shoes? In my lifetime?
Worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say? I've worn ugly outfits to school, but I didn’t care what others would say. They probably didn’t even notice since I wore the same type of clothes the day before.
Gone streaking? No
Played ding-dong-ditch? Is this a game that involves a doorbell? We don’t have doorbells where I come from.
Played monster in the bucket? Not that I know of. And I hope I haven't.

Played chicken fight? I couldn’t find two chickens that would fight.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? I jumped.
Been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? I’ve never even imagined that scenario.
Broken a bone? No.
Been easily amused? It’s my whole life so far.

Caught a fish and ate it? I’ve caught fish, but I think they were always thrown back.
Made porn? Only in my mind, and even there I get performance anxiety.
Caught a butterfly? Yes.
Laughed so hard you cried? Yes, I usually gets hiccups.
Cried so hard you laughed? No, but it made others laugh.

Mooned/flashed someone? No one wants to see that.
Had someone moon/flash you? Why would they want to?
Cheated on a test? Yes, but it was the ASFAB and that doesn’t count.
Forgotten someone’s name? Yeah, all those people who come into ‘Buck day after day.

Slept naked? On occasion, but it’s not as fun, or interesting, when you’re alone.
French braided someone’s hair? No, but I think I could.
Gone skinny dipping in a pool? 12 hours by myself.

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