Thursday, June 14, 2007


Have you ever read something (or seen something or heard something) that isn't about you, but after reading it (or seeing or hearing) you revaluate who you are and it seems to confirm many of the worst things you've ever thought about yourself and what you think people think of you?

Well, it happened to me this morning and it's terrible.

I don't want to get specific because all that would happen is nothing. People who are (or who are just trying to be) nice would tell me I'm not what I think I am. The person who wrote the thing and the people involved in the story would insist that nothing written was about me, which it wasn't.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. I've done that, too.

And, if you think about it later, you may realize that you aren't as much like that as you think.

Jazz said...

I've done it too. who hasn't?

heels said...

Ugh. Yes.

ticknart said...

Well, I guess it's nice knowing that I'm not the only person who's gone through this stupidity.

The biggest problem is that the more I think about it, the more I think it's true.
