Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pretty Good

For whatever reason, I'm feeling pretty good this afternoon.

I don't know why.

I mean, I had stomach problems earlier, which caused me to be out of the office in a way that I really dislike. I found out that the guy who was in a far away part of the office, but has recently return, has decided to be a snitch and bitch to SUSM (and occasionally the head office in SF) about stupid, and often uncontrollable, things, but he has yet to complain about his cousin, just the rest of us out here. And the wind is high, so sneezing is nearly constant and each blow of the nose leaves a pinkish offering rather than the far less disturbing clear ones.

And, yet, I feel good, almost happy. Maybe happy. Although, I can't say for sure.

Could lack of sleep have something to do with it? I really haven't been sleeping well since I got back from Cowtown. I climb into bed at my usual time and then read until I think I should be done and then I try to sleep, but I haven't been able to fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time. (I know that last night I stared at the light patterns that come through the slats of the blinds on the ceiling for at least thirty minutes before I decided to read some more.) In the morning I wake up about ten minutes before my alarm goes off, and I can't sleep. It's not that I have to pee or there's a squealing car or an annoying bird, it's just that I'm awake and not feeling tired.

Ah, well, whatever the reason for it, I think I'll enjoy the goodness of my current feeling as long as it lasts.


Jazz said...

Yep, enjoy it while it lasts, it generally doesn't last that long.

ticknart said...

You can (but probably shouldn't) say that again.

choochoo said...

the feeling good without knowing why are the best kinds of good

ticknart said...

Except when you start worrying about why, Choochoo, then it becomes a bit of a problem. But at least you feel good about the problem, right?