Monday, June 04, 2007

Work and Books

SUSM wanted me to box a bunch of files today and actually remembered to not give me any work. I mean, when I got to work this morning my "In" basket was empty. That means she didn't drop anything in it on Friday and she even took out the work that was left there Thursday afternoon. Amazing!

Today, I've filled 75 boxes with about 800 files.

Tomorrow, I'll do another 75 boxes with probably the same number of files.

Elsewhere in my life, a while ago, my mom loaned me this great book called Dead Until Dark. I think I read it in three days. It's sort of a horror/mystery/comedy book and lots of fun. While I was up this weekend, she handed me the next three in the series. I finished the second book (Living Dead in Dallas) last night before I went to sleep and I'm already halfway through the third (Club Dead). So, Mom, since you're reading this, I want to know when you'll be getting the rest of the books. I'll be ready for them, probably, on Saturday. (And in just doing a quick search on Wikipedia, I found out that there's going to be an HBO show based on the books! Hooray!)


Anonymous said...

But that means you have to get HBO, or wait for it to be on DVD.


Anonymous said...

She's right. *heh-heh*

Jazz said...

So I guess that was a message to your mom to buy and send on those books. I'll take them next.

ticknart said...

Wings, I have no problem with getting HBO. I think about it so much it's verging on pathetic.

Mooooooo, that's it, you can't watch when I get to see it. You'll have to find your own way. *heh-heh*

Jazz, I also wanted to encourage other people to read the books, but mostly it's about getting to read the rest without buying them myself.

Anonymous said...

The teacher I work with at school wants to know the name of the show, SHE has HBO and loved the first book. So I will just borrow from her. So there! *snort*

ticknart said...

Well, I'm not telling YOU. YOU and SHE can figure it out. *phbbbbbbbt*

Anonymous said...

Hey! You better watch it with your manners or your mommy won't share with you! LOL

ticknart said...

Sure she will. She likes having someone she can talk to about books like these.