Wednesday, October 03, 2007





Lady McHerb said...

I just found your blog. Thanks for the fodder for a fair amount of time wastage.

I have only this to ask: Dirk Gently? Really? Far inferior to the original Hitchiker's. Cliche, I know, but true.

heels said...

Kalesy- OH how wrong you are! I stand in defense of Dirk Gently!!

Lady McHerb said...

Alas, I suppose I'll have to dust it off and make another assessment.

ticknart said...

Kalesy -- I'm always happy to help with the time wasting.

As for Dirk vs Hitchhiker, well it's sort of personal, but the Monk and the couch and the story about how Revelations was written and the truth about Bach all tickle me in a way that the first couple of Hitchhiker just don't reach. Still, the Hitchhiker books are damn brilliant.